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Search Results for "4D-printed robot self-assembles into a tube and rolls up hills"
4D-printed robot self-assembles into a tube and rolls up hills
Beyond Innovation S3: MIT Self-Assembling Robots
Closed-loop Control of 4D-printed Soft Robots
4D Printed Soft-Matter Robotics @ 239th ECS Meeting
4D Printing Reconfigurable, Deployable and Mechanically Tunable Metamaterials
Design, Manufacture and analysis of 4D printed Structures for use in robotics
I Finally Discovered Perpetual Motion
Direct 4D printing of a snake, a scorpion, and a plesiosaur with a multimodal transformation
Roll-Top Puzzle Podium [Maker Update] |
Project Robots On Wheels - HvA Team 6
How scientists discovered a new shape.
4D Printing of pH influenced composites